What Is Micro-Roasted Coffee?

Ever heard of micro-roasted coffee?  It's a method of roasting coffee beans that produces rich, complex taste and aroma profiles in your coffee.  

Micro simply means small.  In the case of a coffee bean roaster it means roasting coffee beans in small batches - less than 150 pounds at a single time.  We roast our beans in much smaller amounts, 32oz to be exact.  This allows us to control every aspect of the roasting process to a very high degree. 

Each bean, roast and recipe have different metrics we aim for.  Because each of batch of beans is micro-roasted we know exactly what we are getting for every time.  Every part of the roasting process is under finely tuned control.  And depending on the roast this can lengthen the time in the roaster which helps develop the rich flavors and aromas in a desirable cup of coffee.   

As a specialty micro-roaster, this allows us to be flexible.  This allows us to try a wide variety of beans (all USDA organic green beans). We spend countless hours testing new recipes and roast profiles to get the best flavors.  Only after we've tried and tested our recipes to where we love them, we offer them.  If a bean doesn't meet our high standard you'll never know about it because it won't ever reach our shelves.  

Not only that, but all of our coffee beans arrive fresh at your doorstep.  Using fresh coffee beans makes a big difference - you can read more on that here if you're interested.  

That said, until you try micro-roasted coffee it's all talk.  Give it a try, you won't be disappointed!